Saturday, November 07, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Barack Hussein Obama's stance as a Protestant--theologically liberal in keeping with the United Church of Christ (Congregational)--is a cover for the facts.

The facts are that he is indeed a Muslim by his own words.

He states that he is Muslim, admires his Islamic heritage, and regards highly the nuances of his Koran upbringing. He states his kinship with worldwide Muslims.

There are those who contest this. However, we have on video Obama stating the reality that he is a Muslim, is proud of it, and seemingly has no intention of being otherwise, though the UCC cover remains when convenient.

This should concern every American who seeks to preserve the Christian heritage to this nation.

It is of grave concern to every Republic-loyal citizen, so much so, that we should strive tirelessly to seek his removal from office, hence the work being done to prove he is not a valid US citizen. He should not be President on those grounds alone.

Then we have a liar in the White House. We have a cohort with terrorists. We have one in our midst who is in league with those who would destroy our democracy, hence his czardom and shadow government disregarding present governmental agencies.

Hence his sloppy and unfeeling response to the Muslim who killed at Fort Hood. Obama was entertaining a group at the White House when he got the horrific message regarding Fort Hood.

He put that pressing matter aside and then when addressing the grieving told us all not to "jump to conclusions." His words of comfort to the stricken were frighteningly lame. So we are not to “jump to conclusions”?

Naturally we are going to reach conclusions that stare us in the office, not jumping emotionally but logically. Obviously scared stiff Obama is afraid that our reason will hold sway in the future regarding his actual stance as Muslim.

Now hear from Obama in his words his religious confession that he in reality is a Muslim: