Saturday, February 07, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

There are those experiencing dreams and visions whereby the Holy Spirit presents Jesus as personal Redeemer. These individuals then come out of their visions and dreams to experience conversion.

“’Just in the four countries we work in, we're projecting one hundred new churches just in Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt,’ Tom Doyle explained.

“‘In Iran, the ministries that are working together are projecting 10,000 churches in Iran next year. That's how fast they're opening up to the Gospel.’”

It’s in the Middle East. A revival is taking place that is not covered by the secular press.

Per “A worship service in northern Iraq is one example of the biblical revolution going on throughout the Middle East.

“The body of believers live in the predominately Kurdish area of Iraq that some refer to as Iraqi Kurdistan.

“’Sometimes when the non-believers come to the church, they see that we are singing and shouting, teaching in the Kurdish language, they will be surprised,’ said Pastor Majeed Muhammed.

“In another church in Suleimania, an entire group of worshippers is made up of former Muslims including their pastor, Pastor Zagros Saeed, who is a former Muslim cleric.

“’I was one of those before I came to believe the message that I should kill the others. Sometimes I wanted to kill my wife because she did not cover her hair. But when I found my life in Jesus, when I surrendered my life to God, Matthew 5 tells me to love my enemies,’ Saeed said.”

These are testimonies that are spreading. The gospel is going forth. The Holy Spirit is moving to ward off the unholy spirits that have plagued that region.

“’I'm very happy that Jesus came and knocked on the
door of my heart and that I got to know the real God in a real way of life,’ said one convert.”

This is a typical biblical witness characteristic over centuries of those who have come to saving grace through Jesus Christ.

It is the act out of real conversion because God has transformed the soul. It is a human turning in faith to the Savior, confessing sins sincerely and receiving divine mercy.

“’In Syria and in Jordan and Iraq and Afghanistan great things are happening and many Muslims are open to the Lord Jesus Christ right now,’” Tom Doyle said. He works with Islamics throughout the Middle East.

Can revival come to Turkey? Yes.

“One Turkish believer told CBN News many Muslims come to church after seeing a vision or having a dream: ‘The people saw a vision about Jesus, even if they not read the Bible, even if they don't know anything about the New Testament or
about the church, they just see Jesus in their dream.’”

It is believed by many biblical scholars that while Jesus told His disciples to go throughout the world to preach the gospel, the Holy Spirit is the chief universal missionary.

The Holy Spirit goes where mortals do not go. The Holy Spirit visits cultures where missionaries are not present and where ministers do not hand out Bibles.

The Holy Spirit does confront mortals in visions and dreams. He speaks to them about their soul conditions. Then when biblical believers discover these Christians, these biblical believers discover that the Holy Spirit has preceded them. He has already presented the way of salvation to mortals who are spiritually searching.

“Pastor Saeed had two dreams, one in 1988 and the other in 1999.

“’I saw Jesus another time in my dream in 1999,’ he recalled. ‘He didn't leave me alone. He came to me again. He said I love you and I want you to be saved.’”

This is very encouraging for missionaries and pastors cannot literally go to every human being throughout the planet. However, God is faithful. His Spirit does go where no Christians have been prior.

Prayer then is vital. Christians continue to intercede for lost souls. They pray earnestly, letting the Holy Spirit then do His work of convicting souls of sin.