Saturday, February 07, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

That’s correct.

B. Hussein Obama has chosen David Ogden, porn pusher, for Deputy Attorney General, per Fidelis.

Typical liberal B. Hussein chooses persons who have no moral base but relativism. In other words, for pragmatic B. Hussein, if it works for left-of-left, go for it.

David Ogden is one of those. And what has he done to sully his garments so?

He has aggressively pushed forward cases endorsing Penthouse and Playboy. Evidently, this man is not for the biblical definition of marriage, sex and family. He rah-rahs for just the opposite. B. Hussein considers Ogden prime material for the job.

In addition, Ogden has done everything he can to further active homosexual lifestyles.

Is there any wonder then that Ogden is bedfellow with the American Civil Liberties Union?

Ogden has labored long and hard to see that computer
protectives are not installed in Internet low-life sites. Further, he has seen to it that porn publishers get their smut into underage children’s hands as much as possible.

He has even gone so far as to push Braille Playboy magazines wherever—at taxpayers’ underwrite.

Then it is not surprising to know that Ogden is pro-
killing womb babies—most assertively.

He advocates for homosexual practice baptism throughout the military wherever whenever whomever.

Ogden has even gone so far as to persuade judicials that biblical definition of one-man one-woman equals marriage is a biased position.

Ogden is for everything that will destroy the Republic, much in keeping with left-of-left B. Hussein’s overall agenda for ripping America.

And this is the same B. Hussein who quoted in his inaugural address Scripture, sited “God.”

This is the same B. Hussein who staged Southern gospel concerts.

This is the same B. Hussein who told media that he is “Christian” and that his “Christian ethos” persuaded him to endorse sodomy.

This is the same B. Hussein who told inquirers to check the Sermon on the Mount for God’s opinion regarding homosexuality; there is nothing in Matthew 5-7 about that topic.

This is the same B. Hussein who asked Pastor Rick Warren to offer the inaugural invocation.

Now B. Hussein cheers on Ogden for top banana.

Get a trail here? A smelly one, isn’t it?