Sunday, November 30, 2008

BNP - Liverpool Demo 2008 + RED arrested


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The BNP will ALWAYS fail to find some moral or political footing in which to spout their politically dubious racism, void of any rational thinking. Thank God the sovereignty of parliament and the established political system in the UK can help to control a party which manifests this hatred in any shape or form. These people are taken in by the unity of a wholly racist and unstable party - they should be offered our help in stamping out their ignorance and the underlying issues that invetably caused them to join the BNP, rather than given 'respect' as a party in the British political system. To found a party on idealogy is acceptable, but to found a party on mental sickness and ignorance is NOT acceptable. Every view is a view, however every view does not constitute a oar in British politics.

  3. paperbackwriter , it's the current state of "politics" in America and the UK that has led both of our Countries to be knee deep in hell, under the guise if "Tolerance and Multiculteralism". I disagree with you, but with respect. :)

  4. People in the UK use the word tolerance concerning people who are not the 'indigenous white caucasian' men and women of this country. Many complain about how our tolerance has got us, to use your words, 'knee-deep in hell'. However, why should be be tolerant of your beliefs, as a man who fits the description above, I have no tolerance for people who use Multiculturalism and immigration as a scapegoat for political contempt. Although I do not agree with the practical side of multiculturalism as I have my doubts as to whether it can be truly achieved; this does not justify using multiculturalism beyond the social side of politics - instead as a criticism of the Government in all areas of government. Lets discuss social policy (as at the end of the day it affects us all) but please use your common sense and dont bandy it about like BNP idiots, who really dont seem to have any idea of the wider issues of government.
