Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Defend Paul Williams

This is the correct web site for Paul Williams, as heard on yesterdays Michael Savage Program.


The defense fund for Paul will be called the "The Paul L. Williams Defense Fund", to help Dr. Williams fight the lawsuit McMaster University has brought against him for investigating Islamic terrorists at McMaster.

McMaster University Students
Another McMaster student is one of the 17 men and youths accused of plotting a bombing campaign in downtown Toronto as part of a homegrown terror cell. The 18-year-old was read more...

Why is this lawsuit so important?
Why is the situation at McMaster University so alarming? And why must you give to fight the lawsuit against award-winning journalist/author Paul L. Williams? Consider the following

Dr. Williams is such a true man of God.
Dr. Williams is such a true man of God. He is so dedicated to educate both Christians and Jews to what he knows is about to hit American soil. Paul's dedication and passion is endless, his

Leave a message of support at 614-547-0350

1 comment:

  1. Call in and check out our interview tonight at 8PM EST with Dr. Paul L. Williams, author of The Day of Islam at thirdrailradio.com
