Friday, January 05, 2007

Islamic Terrorism Australia: Taha Abdul Rahman arrested over RPG possession

A SYDNEY building was to be the target of a rocket attack after a man allegedly supplied rocket launchers stolen from the military to a suspected terrorist.
Australian Federal Police chief Mick Keelty said the man arrested today over the theft of rocket launchers was allegedly connected to some of the men detained in an anti-terrorism raid last year.

It is understood that one rocket was intended to be used against an unspecified building in Sydney.
The rocket launchers are reportedly of the type designed to be fired from the shoulder by infantry. They have enough punch to destroy a tank.

Taha Abdul Rahman, 28, was arrested at a house in Leumeah, in Sydney's southwest, early today following a joint operation by the AFP, ASIO and the NSW Police over the theft of seven rocket launchers from the Australian Defence Force.

He was charged with 17 offences, including supplying a prohibited weapon.
AFP Assistant Commissioner Frank Prendergast alleged Rahman supplied five of the light anti-armoury weapons to one man and two to another man.
"The person who received five is facing terrorism charges on another matter," Mr Prendergast said.


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