Friday, March 03, 2006

Iraq : 'No Silver-Bullet Quick Solution' : Gen Geo Casey

Friday, March 03, 2006 -- J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Realism in New Iraq.General George Casey spoke to the AP to say that matters are precarious in Iraq. However, at the same time he believes that media reports of violence have been overblown. Nevertheless, at the same time he believes that something large in the way of violence could trigger major mayhem.In other words, we are on a teeter-totter at the moment.

It's like keeping the juggling act from falling apart.What Operation Iraqi Freedom did not envision is a sectarian culture. The freedom spreaders thought they were coming upon a monolithic world religion called "Islam." They also claimed it to be a "peace religion."The dreadful surprise has been that Islam is not monolithic. It is split in parts. And those parts can fly at one another-bullets, bombs and such. Further, Islam is not a "peace religion" as much as it is a killing cult. Its baseline, according to its own source-the Koran-is slaughter. That is why the sickle is the Islamic emblem. Whereas in Christianity the symbol is the cross.

Mohammed told his disciples to pick up the sword to slay all non-Muslims. Jesus told His disciples to pick up the cross in order to die out to selfishness and come alive to compassion. The two "faiths" separate as far as the East is from the West. Another way to put it: Islam is hell.

Christianity is heaven.However, liberal theologians still like to picture the three religions-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-as neighbors because they are said to be "monotheistic." That is true. Each "faith" believes, not in many gods (polytheism) but in one deity-monotheism. However, that is as far as the common ground goes.

Entire article here

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