America lost a radio Icon. This man will be missed.
"Paul Harvey died on Saturday at age 90. He was a
remarkably original radio personality. My parents used to listen to his mixture
of news and anecdote every day, and when I was a child I became transfixed by
Harvey's rumbling-deep voice and strikingly unique phrasing. He'd pause in the
middle of sentences for dramatic effect. He'd rush to the end of a story, pause
for so long you thought the radio had gone dead, and then you'd suddenly hear
him bark in mock-triumph, "Page two!"... his term for changing the subject, and
off he was, onto another story, or to a commercial whose copy he read himself
and promoted personally.
Harvey belonged to the pre-TV generation, but lasted
well into the Internet age. In recent years, I would hear him only on car trips,
around noon wherever I was, on the AM radio dial. He had the gift of making it
seem as though he was talking only to you. "Hello, Americans!" he'd greet you
merrily: patriotism never sounded so much fun.
Paul Harvey, sir... good