Sunday, November 02, 2008


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Barack Obama's church is revolution-centered. It is more a political center than a Christian church. Jeremiah Wright has built a congregation of thousands on an anti-white political revolution.

But more: Wright has moved from American anti-white to support of Muslims via Hamas.

In Trinity United Church of Christ's July 22, 2007's bulletin, there appeared a reprint of an article by Mousa Abu Marzook, deputy of the political bureau of Hamas per "Obamacide — Obama's Church Reprinted Hamas" on

"Marzook is a known terrorist and created an extensive Hamas network in the United States."

The piece appeared first in the LA Times entitled, "A Fresh View of the Palestinian Struggle."

The LA Times was put down for providing a "Platform to Genocidal Terrorist."

Why would a church print an article in support of Hamas? Did Obama know of this? Did he read it and simply slide it aside per his sliding aside Wright's demeaning, disgusting tirades?

In supporting Hamas via his church bulletin, is it surprising that Wright taught a "black liberation theology" that warned blacks that whites were out to kill them? This was on the church's web site until airbrushed away recently.

Before it was completely erased there was a warning there to blacks that whites are "captors" and blacks "captives."

One reason whites seek to capture helpless black captives is to kill them. Kill them? Yes, that's what the site states: white "captors" plot to kill black "captives."

Here is what used to be on the site:

"Classic methodology on control of captives teaches that captors must keep the captive ignorant educationally, but trained sufficiently well to serve the system.

"Also, the captors must be able to identify the 'talented tenth' of those subjugated, especially those who show promise of providing the kind of leadership that might threaten the captor's control.

"Those so identified as [sic] separated from the rest of the people by:

"Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one

Guests have told TV commentators these days that "black liberation theology" is popular in black churches and from speakers at black college and university campuses. It is in reality an underground revolution against whites that American whites are not aware of. Wright is one of the popular speakers on campuses.

Why then would we not expect Wright to move to defend Hamas as per that article in his church bulletin?

Further, on the church's web site, the opening shot is the continent of Africa, not America. This is in line with Wright's "damn America" theme. Being pro-black and anti-white, Africa is the prime outline on the church's web site.

Moreover, Obama has put a bill before Congress asking for immense taxpayer funds sent to Africa.

Obama will see through his bill in Congress. It's Global Poverty Act (S 2433) which would shell out of America $845 billion as welfare moneys to third-world countries.

What will this cost each of us?

The tab is a tax more than $2000 on each American breathing. Our nation's budget for foreign this-and-that already comes to $300 billion. But what's the diff? The Act would merely add the additional moneys out to the already elephant-sized total.

Obama now has these cheerleaders in the bleachers in favor of this thievery. They include Senators Richard Lugar, Joseph Biden, Maria Cantwell, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Hagel, Olympia Snowe, Tim Johnson, Tom Harkin and Robert Mendez

Obama's cousin, Raila Odinga, a Kenyan Muslim, ran for the country's president recently, but lost. Carnage has resulted. Obama phoned him during Obama's New Hampshire campaign to encourage him in his quest for presidency.

The cousin told the nation of 10% Muslims and 80% Christians that he, the cousin, would install legalistic Islam, including sharia. Christianity would be wiped out.


The church seemingly is not preaching for souls to be saved. Bible studies are "black Bible studies," whatever that means. I as a minister simply conduct Bible studies. I never knew they had a particular ethnic slant. In fact, the Word of God has no ethnic slant. It is divine revelation directed to save all souls through Christ.

Obama's church has forgotten the altar call to salvation, then growth in the Holy Spirit's infilling, then daily devotions in Bible and prayer to build up the soul. Instead, the "church" has dwarfed into a revolution-action cell for overthrowing American whites.

The focus is political, even moving from US moneys going to Africa, Obama's support of his Muslim cousin for the Kenyan presidency, to encouraging Hamas Muslims.

How can we ever trust Obama in the White House? We can't. Never.

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