Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jesse Jackson And Al Sharpton On "House Negro" Comment


  1. mississippimud,

    You would think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would not be silent, since Al Zawahiri is only #2 in the top ranking leadership position of the world's most infamous terrorist organization.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Obama is a grown man. He can fight his own battles. Jackson and Sharpton are not his voice boxes.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Now that is funey,I don't care who ya are. All of those people who voted for Obama,just becaues Hussaine Obama's Daddy was an African will turn on him like rats leaving a sinking ship. Some Muslims are already saying they think he sould be taken out because they fer he will be TOO EASY on the Jew's. Where are the hord of rats who wanted Obama just because he is HALF BLACK,when the going gets tough,they run with their tails between their legs leaving their messiah out there TWISTING IN THE WIND rofl.

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Now that is funey,I don't care who ya are. All of those people who voted for Obama,just becaues Hussaine Obama's Daddy was an African will turn on him like rats leaving a sinking ship. Some Muslims are already saying they think he sould be taken out because they fer he will be TOO EASY on the Jew's. Where are the hord of rats who wanted Obama just because he is HALF BLACK,when the going gets tough,they run with their tails between their legs leaving their messiah out there TWISTING IN THE WIND rofl.

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Is this on YOUTUBE? I want to send this around YT.

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Seriously, you gotta tell me where I can find this on Youtube - under what name (title of video). I just searched YT for it using the same title and got nothing.

    I want to post this vid to my blog and send it out on YT...

  7. This is my video, copy it if you like. Give me some credit where you got it.
