Saturday, August 02, 2008


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

John McCain presently is into a reality kick to expose B. Hussein Obama. More power to him. He’s on the truth track. The more truth McCain kicks up, the more Obama the Liar will be revealed as the deceiver Boy he actually is.

To assist McCain, evangelicals throughout the entire world should come to the fore in exposing Muslim B. Hussein.

Why evangelicals?

First, they have the most to lose if Muslim Obama gets into the White House. B. Hussein will slice and dice evangelicals for he lives at the extreme other end of the theological spectrum.

Evangelicals are conservative biblical believers. B. Hussein is a liberal anti-Bible churchmen who says he’s Christian but is far, far from Christian.

Second, evangelicals believe the Bible to be the Word of God. They say they research biblical prophecy. Therefore, they know the currents of our times—political and religious.

All the more then that evangelicals must apply their prophetic knowledge to the present spiritual danger—Muslim Obama. He is a snake if there ever was one. He is the arch-fake, given to manipulation maximum.

Third, evangelicals are God’s messengers in every age, particularly this one that wars so ardently against divine revelation. In other words, if evangelicals remain silent, God loses His mouthpieces. God needs every spokesman and spokeswoman who is redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

Therefore, this is surely not the time for silence to reign within the evangelical halls of praise and thanksgiving. This is the most crucial hour to voice biblical truths that strip Muslim Obama of his lying persona.

Fourth, there are some who claim to be evangelical leaders who have invited B. Hussein onto their mega-church platforms. This is unthinkable. Nevertheless, the times are complicated; consequently, the biblically grounded should not be shocked when some claim to be “evangelical” while showing the colors of the enemy.

On Sundays in some quarters, B. Hussein has graced claimed evangelical pulpits to give forth his “faith,” “God,” and “Christian” witness. As sad as this is to the actual disciples, it is reality. Therefore, all the more genuine evangelicals must stand in the gap for biblical truth, sidelining those so-called evangelical leaders.

Fifth, evangelicals have their children to protect for the biblical testimony. The parents who say they stand firmly on Scripture as their moral base must assure the future of this Republic for the Judeo-Christian heritage.

That is only going to happen if Muslim Obama never lands on Pennsylvania Avenue. If he does get into the White House, the Koran now placed by George W. Bush in that House library will be lifted by the new President to supplant the Bible.

That will mean that evangelicals’ own sons and daughters will be led to the slaughter. Their religious freedoms will be curtailed. Their worship exercises will be suspicioned. What they hold dear to the soul will be speared through and through.

This is the time for every evangelical preacher and layperson to get the megaphone to mouth. Preach and teach the facts about Muslim Obama so that every community in America learns what a menace this charlatan is.

Evangelicals: do what God calls you to. Preach the Word. Live the Word. Stand on your convictions with a testimony that is heard from shore to shore.

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