Thursday, June 26, 2008


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

John McCain did not bother addressing the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual conclave. He sent no aides there.

That was a big miss. Yet McCain, reared and schooled Episcopalian, attends a mega-Baptist church in Phoenix with his wife and children. His pastor calls him “Christian,” but admits he’s not all that sensitive to intricacies of doctrine.

Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family broadcasts that he may sit out the November vote. He is adamantly opposed to left-of-left B. Hussein Obama. But he really cannot stomach McCain.

It would be extremely dangerous for America for evangelicals to follow Dobson’s play. Like Ann Coulter, it is far better for evangelicals to hold their noses and vote for McCain than to sit out the vote by giving the Oval Office to a mask Muslim.

McCain however doesn’t seem to get the message that the vast majority of evangelicals have no liking for Obama but are waiting to be courted by the Republican candidate. All the while McCain goes elsewhere, ignoring the very base that could give him the victory.

George W. Bush knew the evangelicals were the ones to go after. McCain has yet to understand that.

Evangelical leaders inform media they feel McCain just doesn’t get it. That is, he doesn’t understand evangelicals or their power. That is one misstep that McCain cannot afford.

Evangelicals are supportive of McCain’s pro-life stance. They admire his endorsement of the biblical definition of family and marriage. So why doesn’t McCain link up with that kind of engagement? That’s the primary question evangelicals cannot fathom.

Here is a voting block waiting for the welcoming hand. But the welcoming hand stays in his pocket rather than reaching out to form a powerful twosome.

"I don't know that McCain's campaign realizes they cannot win without evangelicals," said David Domke, a professor of communication at the University of Washington who studies religion and politics. "What you see with McCain is just a real struggle to find his footing with evangelicals" per Philip Elliott of My Way News.

All the while Obama continues to play evangelical and Christian while he’s neither. He stages outdoor gospel concerts in the South, climbs into one pulpit after another, talks about faith and God and prayer.

He’s a snake, for certain. He’s a liar. He’s a smoothie. He’s a liberal religious moral relativist who holds to situation ethics—that is, the situation governs the ethics. There are no moral absolutes to Obama. There is no regard for the Bible as the
infallible Word of God.

Obama spent the last twenty years in an arch-liberal Protestant denomination where abortion and homosexuality are praised as heaven blessed. His mentors are far from biblically sound. Instead, they are theological opportunists to the nth degree. He has followed right into their footprints, admiring them all the way.

The United Church of Christ hierarchy has praised from shore to shore their famous parishioner. They have stood by him when under attack for lining up with rant-and-rave anti-Jew pro-Muslim Jeremiah Wright.

Obama’s theological counselors are all aggressively anti-evangelical, anti-conservative, anti-Bible, though appearing in public as loyal church folk believing as the grassroots biblically aligned. In other words, they are snakes in the grass.

For more read “Faithful in pews might not be voters in November” by Philip Elliott at

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