“Who, inquiring minds want to know, is going to spare us a first Obama term? After all, for all his ability and charm, Barack Obama is still a liberal Democrat,” per New York Times’ William Kristol writing from Manchester NH.
“Some of us would much prefer a non-liberal and non-Democratic administration. We don’t want to increase the scope of the nanny state, we don’t want to undo the good done by the appointments of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.”
Obama’s pretty face is going to get America into a lot of trouble. He’s smooth and liberal. He’s young and liberal. He’s clever and liberal.
The only major difference between him and Hillary Clinton is that she’s older, shorter and a woman.
what is the big about him being a suspected muslim? is being muslim a crime? after reading whats on http://obamamuslim.com I am convinced this is retarded issue.