Friday, December 14, 2007

The Religion of Peace


  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    In the Bible, Book of Mathew, New Testament, Jesus described the Jews as “Sons of Viper”, “Hypocrites”, and “Condemned to Hell”.
    In the Talmud, the Jews describe Jesus as a “bastard” and the Virgin Mary as a “Whore”.

  2. Anonymous5:26 AM

    When Mel Gibson produced “The Passion of the Christ” it was the Jews who were trembling. Hutton Peter Gibson (Mel’s father) reiterated what Jesus said of the Jews in the Book of Mathew. Jesus described the Jews as “Sons of Viper”, “Hypocrites”, and “Condemned to Hell”. The Jews were in panic.

  3. Anonymous5:26 AM

    When Mel Gibson produced “The Passion of the Christ” it was the Jews who were trembling. Hutton Peter Gibson (Mel’s father) reiterated what Jesus said of the Jews in the Book of Mathew. Jesus described the Jews as “Sons of Viper”, “Hypocrites”, and “Condemned to Hell”. The Jews were in panic.
