Hat tip too R.W. ( She knows who she is. )
By Arnold Ahlert (bio)
The bankruptcy of “progressive” philosophy becomes easy to understand when one realizes there is a “template” underlying it.
It goes something like this: some people are doing X, and even though X is illegal/immoral we can’t prevent it from happening–so we may as well accommodate it. And while we’re at it, let’s “de-stigmatize” it as well. Not all at once, mind you, but incrementally, so people will gradually accept it.
Two stories in the news last week illustrate such thinking.
Story number one takes us to King Middle School in Portland, Maine where the school board voted 7-2 to allow girls as young as 11-years-old to get birth control pills–without their parents’ knowledge. Plug in the template: some 11-year-old girls are having sex and we can’t stop them, so let’s accommodate them with birth control pills. And just in case their parents might point out that such behavior is immoral, let’s keep the parents out of the loop in order to prevent the girls from feeling stigmatized.
The bankruptcy of “progressive” philosophy becomes easy to understand when one realizes there is a “template” underlying it.
It goes something like this: some people are doing X, and even though X is illegal/immoral we can’t prevent it from happening–so we may as well accommodate it. And while we’re at it, let’s “de-stigmatize” it as well. Not all at once, mind you, but incrementally, so people will gradually accept it.
Two stories in the news last week illustrate such thinking.
Story number one takes us to King Middle School in Portland, Maine where the school board voted 7-2 to allow girls as young as 11-years-old to get birth control pills–without their parents’ knowledge. Plug in the template: some 11-year-old girls are having sex and we can’t stop them, so let’s accommodate them with birth control pills. And just in case their parents might point out that such behavior is immoral, let’s keep the parents out of the loop in order to prevent the girls from feeling stigmatized.
The CIA appears to be quite progressive as demonstrated with this article about the Prouty case:
"Prouty, 37, admitted in court that she became a U.S. citizen by hiring an American to marry her. She then joined the FBI in 1999.
"That's not uncommon - people do it all the time," said a dismissive CIA source. The source strongly praised her undercover work in Iraq fighting insurgents, and said at worst she used bad judgment before joining the CIA."
Apparently, this CIA "source" follows the pattern you posted in the article:
". . .some people are doing X, and even though X is illegal/immoral we can’t prevent it from happening–so we may as well accommodate it. And while we’re at it, let’s “de-stigmatize” it as well. Not all at once, mind you, but incrementally, so people will gradually accept it.
Sedition. Treason. Infiltration.