Saturday, February 17, 2007

Amsterdam Politician: Get Rid of Half the Koran

via Robert at JW

Looks like Netherlands is playingoops, we let in too many muslimsagain. Seems like Islam is really starting to take over in Netherlands.

AMSTERDAM – If Muslims want to stay in the Netherlands, they should tear out half the Koran and throw it away. And they shouldn’t listen to the imam. Faction leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) Geert Wilders said this in an interview with daily newspaper De Pers on Tuesday.

He said the holy book of Islam contains “plenty of terrible things.” Wilders said once again that Islam is a violent religion. “If Mohammed lived here today, I would propose he be tarred and feathered as an extremist and driven out of the country,” he said.

The politician wants to impress on people that Islam is “the greatest danger threatening us.” He says that other political parties avoid topics like this.

“Everything we are proud of, we are selling to the devil. Former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevy says that World War III has begun. I would not use those words, but it’s true,” said Wilders, who in the past has voiced his fear of a “tsunami of Islamisation in the Netherlands.”

Wilders: “Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!”


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Thanks! you've been blogrolled - IAC

  2. Thankyou John, I'm glad I came across your site @

    Jeff Davis

  3. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Non Muslims Must unite and fight the evils of Islam,no matter where it is,if we are to survive for being forcefully coverted to Islam or be killed.
