Thursday, January 11, 2007

War Manifesto: The War Against Islam

After listening mostly in vain to the President tonight and his new approach to Iraq, we thought it time to come out with a clear statement on the War Against Islam.

Here it is: We are at war whether we like it or not. There is no hiding from this enemy. Either we lock him out and go after his strongholds or we cower as he picks us apart piece by piece.

We listened to the President this evening. Nothing he said was convincing nor did it address in any serious or detailed way what he is going to do about the most immediate problem in Iraq and further out in what should be, but is not, the War Against Islam.

Let’s first focus on the Global problem and then we’ll return to Iraq in a follow-on essay. The following can be considered the SANE War Manifesto.
On the so-called Global War on Terrorism, GWOT, we have been quite clear along with a few other resolute souls.

This should be a WAR AGAINST ISLAM and all Muslim faithful. In particular, historical, traditional, and authoritative Shari’a, or the Islamic Way of Life, bound most tightly by Islamic law and jurisprudence, or fiqh, is the focus of the ideology which drives our enemy. People who don’t grasp that Islam is first and foremost a religious ideology built on a legal foundation or jurisprudence simply don’t understand Islam.

All traditional Islamic legal schools adhere to the notion that the Islamic world must persuade, conquer, or kill all of the non-Islamic world (dar al-kufr) and convert this territory to the Land of Submission to Allah (dar al-Islam). The particular emphasis on the jihadist strategic issues varies – such as aggressive and offensive outright war or a more subtle and deceptive war which capitalizes on the infidel’s inclination toward appeasement; suicide-homicide attacks against soldiers and "settlers" or the murder of all infidels whether they be men, women or children; and other such tactical issues.

But the Islamic legal dictate to conquer the world for Mohammad's rightful successor to establish the World State Caliphate occupied by the One People (Ummah) in submission to Allah is the common denominator.

WHOLE ARTICLE HERE Read it and read it all.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Whats wrong with Islam? I find that christians are just as bad than those who follow islam. theres bad apples in all groups. I am a God believing person but I truly believe that all religions on this sorry planet are responsible for hate, greed, power and are responsible for death and destruction of each other. I hope your not promoting hate on your blog against the good people who believe in Alah and Islam. That would be sad if you are...

  2. Thankyou for commenting. If you can find on this blog anywhere where I say "I hate Muslims" I will shut it down. I am against the theology of islam and its founder mohammed. I present different article I find in the news and information I have gathered over the years from Islamic texts. I am against terrorist Muslims, as you should be as well. Please take the time to read the banner at the top of the blog. Best of wishes too you and yours.

    Jeff Davis
