Wednesday, January 10, 2007


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

When my adopted son was in prison, he became Muslim. At least, that’s what he told us, his adoptive Christian parents. He was convinced that Islam was the true religion. He does not believe that now; but he did then.

How did he come to know about Islam in prison? Because there are countless numbers of prisoners who are Muslims. They wear the Muslim head garb. They try to convert non-Muslims to Allah. They have their own worship centers. Of course, they have the Koran to read.

Chuck Colson in “What’s Hidden in the Shadows - Radical Islam and U.S. Prisons” states: “’Out of the Shadows’ relates that ‘the U.S. . . . is at risk of facing the sort of homegrown terrorism currently plaguing other countries.’” The source of that risk, according to researchers from George Washington University and the University of Virginia, is “’[America’s] large prison population.’”

As I read Colson’s article, I thought back to my adopted son’s experience while spending over 6+ years in 3 federal facilities.

’Radicalized prisoners’ within this population ‘are a potential pool of recruits by terrorist groups,’ the study says.”

Add an incarcerated personality to a zealot Islamic goal and you have a demonic force that surely is not needed in our republic. Yet those combinations are here behind bars. And they are festering. And they are planning. And they are meeting with oaths and hand clasps.

These Allah disciples are right here in our nation. Some will be released into our communities. Others will remain behind prison bars to help scheme for the future of Islam World Rule.

Much of what incarcerated Muslim converts do is not charted by prison authorities — freedom of religion. Get it? And so what they plot is known only unto themselves and the contacts they have on the outside.

Muslims within prisons are not like unto the Salvation Army volunteers meeting with new born again Christians. Nor are they like Jews meeting with the rabbi. Those Islamics mean business for the devil and they are proud of it.

The truth is, as Colson states, that much of the incarcerated Muslims’ data comes from al-Qaeda connections. With that as catechism study, the prisoners are trained in thinking how to undercut every liberty we take for granted in the United States. Add to that the incarcerated well of anger and you have a volcanic force beyond measure.

“As a former employee of a radical Islamist group who is now a Christian told a Senate committee, ‘I know of only a few instances in which prisons rejected the literature we attempted to distribute — and it was never because of the literature’s radicalism.’”

Bibles are ready material at the prison chapel. So are daily devotional magazines. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association DECISION periodicals are plentiful as well as OUR DAILY BREAD inspirational readings. Therefore, Muslims in prisons conclude their material can be put right alongside the Christian publications without any questions asked. And so it is.

At the same time, there are numerous prison chaplains in the job for the money’s sake. That is, they are not truly committed biblical Christians. They are in a “vocation” called “chaplaincy.” And that’s that. With that spiritual vacuum in some penal locations, Islam thrives for there is no counterpart. The counterpart is a theologically liberal presence who actually believes very little if anything miraculous about the Bible.

Summary: US prisons foster Islamic al-Qaeda-trained zealots equipped to attack American neighborhoods.

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

ALLAH: “Fight, slay Unbelievers wherever ye find them.Seize them, beleaguer them, lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.”
Qur’an, Sura 9:5

CHRIST: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

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