Friday, January 05, 2007


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

I don’t think so.

I noted recently especially when male reporters interviewed Nancy Pelosi the males just glowed when asking her questions about being a mother, her children, her family.

It made me sick.

Of course, Nancy Pelosi responded with that angelic smile of hers. And her face brightened up like the morning sun. It was peaches and cream all over the studio, am sure of that.

But Pelosi is a murderer, along with too many other American mothers, even those presently pregnant and planning that bloody end zone. Pelosi proudly states that she is for abortion.

That translated into bald language is that the Female Head of the Congress favors killing unborn children.

So what makes Pelosi any different from Saddam Hussein?

Before you think that statement extreme — considering Hussein’s yen for pushing humans into shredding machines and slaying thousands as his executive duty being head of state — consider Pelosi endorsing measures by which millions of defenseless children are slaughtered.

If Hussein slaughters and Pelosi slaughters is there not somewhere in there an equal equation?

Further, Pelosi, mother of all mothers NOT, endorses most smilingly — with all the grins her face can muster — same-gender nuptials. She was the female politico in California who several years got the ball rolling across the nation for same-gender vows.

She proudly told media daily how she thought it most laudable for same genders to tie the marital knot.
Now that same headliner is the chief in the United States Congress.

Put Pelosi the murderer alongside Pelosi the sexually-permissive-which-furthers-HIV-AIDS and you have one of the major monsters in our country.

Don’t try to whittle away any of the above. Don’t even dare. Once you unravel one thread in the name of niceness, you unravel everything and that leaves you with being just as abhorrent a personage as Nancy Pelosi.

As a republic, we are in desperately sad shape morally.

Go figure.


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