Thursday, January 18, 2007


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Manja Tamang is in a Nepal jail on false murder charges, per Gospel for Asia.
Like the apostle Paul, this Christian uses any milieu as chance for gospel witness.

Therefore, Tamang, though missing his wife and children, sees through the joy of being a believer even when testifying behind prison bars.

Thus far he has served five years. Tamang, along with countless other Christians there, has suffered injustice daily. Yet they commit their earthly sojourn to Christ Savior, believing the Scripture that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”

It is those who falsely accused him who are prisoners thus far outside of divine mercy. They are the ones imprisoned by their own lies and deceit. For that they will answer at the Judgment Seat of Christ, just as will all mortals. Tamang believes that when his soul appears at the Judgment Seat, he will be welcomed into heaven because of Christ’s mercy upon his repentant heart.

“Even being in prison for about five years on false murder charges has not stopped Manja Tamang from making the most of his circumstances and daily living out his faith. Prior to his arrest, Manja had an active and growing ministry in Nepal.

“Today Manja continues to have a vibrant outreach — but now it is in a prison instead of a mountain village. He has led several fellow prisoners to Christ and has regularly held small group meetings where people have eagerly gathered to learn more about Jesus.

“Manja has also been able to further his education and now teaches some classes in the prison—another opportunity for people to see his joy and ask about the hope that is in him.”

Many other witnessing accounts could be related if the world knew about them. But numberless believers have lived out their quiet commitment with hardly a whisper. However, all is noted by heaven. That is all that matters to these surrendered to the way of the cross.

These quiet persecuted continue to serve those who have yet to understand the gospel message contained in the New Testament. In that they have been set free from their captors.

“Rati, Manja’s wife, shares his love for the Lord and his passion for taking the Gospel to some of the most unreached. Although she dearly misses her husband and has struggled at times to hold her emotions, Rati continues to proactively serve the Lord and counts it a privilege to do so.

“She teaches at a GFA Bridge of Hope center where she pours her life into kindergarten children, reaching them with the Good News. She also joins other teachers for evangelistic outreach in their local community several nights a week. Such outreach is a wonderful blessing for the local pastor, as it extends his ministry and opens doors for the Gospel.

“GFA’s Nepal leader, Narayan Sharma, believes it is likely that Manja will be released in a few years’ time and thinks it wisest not to try another appeal for an earlier release at this time, given the current uncertainty of political conditions.

“So for now, Manja remains in his prison cell. But he and Rati trust in the Lord, and they know that every hardship they face now will be worth it in the light of eternity.”
Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

CHRIST: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

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