Monday, January 15, 2007

Muslims 'refuse anti-MRSA gel'

SOME Muslims are undermining the battle to rid Britain’s hospitals of killer infections by refusing to wash their hands when visiting sick relatives.

Dispensers containing anti-bacterial gel have been placed outside wards at hospitals all over Britain in a bid to get rid of superbugs like MRSA and PVL.

It prevents people bringing in more infections. But some Muslims refuse to use the hand cleansers on religious grounds because they contain alcohol.

Health watchdogs are so concerned they intend to meet with NHS bosses in the New Year to try and hammer out a solution.

NHS care assistant Theresa Poupa, 46, became aware of the situation while visiting a sick cousin at the London Chest Hospital in Bethnal Green.

She said: “I could not believe it - the signs are large enough and clear enough but they just took no notice and walked straight onto the ward.

“I was there almost every day for three weeks and I saw it repeated dozens and dozens of times. When I raised the matter with the nursing staff they just shrugged and said that Muslims were refusing to use the gel because it contained alcohol.

“They said they couldn’t force visitors to use the gel and I understand that — but I was astonished that anyone who didn’t wash their hands was allowed onto a ward.

“I know the dangers that bugs like MRSA can cause. They kill hundreds of patients a year.”

Michael Summers, chairman of the Patients’ Association, said: “I have been made aware of this situation during discussions with nurses and it is a very serious state of affairs.”



  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Really: it's the Devil talking to Hell creatures. The Evil Religion.

    I'd never read or heard so many SHIT in my life since Nazi and Communist adresses...

    Muslim speech makes me vomit...

    The big rat came back. The new Hitler, dictator of the Iran, visited several latin-american countries, preaching the Nazism. The rat-face tyrant of the worst hospice shit hole in the Hell, where the persons (sub) live in the Stone Age, feeding the terrorism and the civil war in the Iraq, came as invited of honor for watch cucarachas presidents inaugurals.

    Normal: the biggest flies are attracted by the biggest pieces of shit. The scum of the Humanity is rallying Latin America "because they are all anti-American leaders; and the United States lose with that." Lose what? Just lose the little remainder of respect that still would have for the cucarachas. What we earn hating the best and associating to the worst?

    We have nothing it fear, except ourselves. Latin America already had some attention during Cold War. Today, solemnly it is despised. Because it is really despicable. Nobody is interested in spend a second of his precious time with insignificant countries. When a gorilla turns dictator threatening everyone who opposes socialism will be punished with death, that is problem of the people that elected him only. Capitalists business remain the same. Who says that is the president of peru, Alan Garcia: "Chavez is a hypocrite. He sells 80% of the oil to the Americans, but insults as “bribed” anyone else which do business with the United States."

    As usual, who ruins Latin America are latin-americans themselves.

  2. I know , I know it just get's worse as every passing day rolls around. The insane are running the asylum.
