Saturday, January 06, 2007

Muslim to be Appointed US Rep to UN

Muslim to be Appointed US Rep to UN 01:52 Jan 07, '07 / 17 Tevet 5767

( President George W Bush intends to appoint current US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, as the country's ambassador to the United Nations to replace John Bolton who resigned following Democrats takeover of the Senate, press reports over the weekend said.

He will be the first American of the Muslim faith to take the post.The moving of Khalilzad from Baghdad is part of a major revamping of civilian and military team in Iraq and efforts to show that changes are taking place as Bush finalizes the new Iraq policy, administration officials told the New York Times.

Khalilzad is considered a protיgי of Vice President Dick Cheney, who appointed him to senior positions on the National Security Council and the State Department. Among these, he served as the ambassador to Afghanistan, before becoming U.S. ambassador to Iraq.


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