Saturday, January 13, 2007

Muslim Cab Drivers Who Refuse To Pick Up Passengers Toting Alcohol Should Be Fired

From the Associated Press:

“Officials at Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport are proposing stiffer penalties, including suspension of an airport taxi license, for Muslim cab drivers who refuse service on religious grounds to passengers toting alcohol or with service dogs.

We must nip this religious foolishness in the bud, before Sharia law is implemented in cities with large Muslim populations like Dearbon, Michigan.

If it offends a Muslim taxi driver’s tender religious sensibilities to pick up a passenger toting alcohol or a blind person with a seeing eye dog, he should find another job.

And by the way, anyone who refuses service to a blind person with a guide dog, should be prosecuted under the Persons With Disabilities Law.

If we cave in to Muslims, who are renowned for their religious intolerance, where will this madness end? Should a born again cab driver be allowed to refuse service to a homosexual? A person wearing a towel on his head offends my aesthetic sensibilities. If I were a cabbie would I be allowed to refuse service to such couture-challenged individuals?

A hack has the right to refuse service to an inebriated individual, but he has no right to turn down a person carrying a bottle of alcohol. It would be the height of insanity and contrary to everything that this country stands for, to allow a
Muslim to impose his religious views on anyone else.

Minneapolis-St Paul is not Tehran, Iran, and praise Allah the Moon God for that.

I’m hoping that the Airport Commission will do the right thing and enact penalties that will strip the taxi license of any Muslim cab driver who discriminates against the blind or persons toting alcohol.

When the Airport Commission does the right thing, I will burn a towel in celebration and drink a glass of champagne.

Robert Paul Reyes


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