Sunday, January 07, 2007

Legalized Prostitution In Islam : How Do I Do Mutah?

Mutual AgreementOnce you have mutually agreed that entering a Mutah contract is what you both want you need to discuss

1) The time period for which your Mutah marriage will last,

2) The Mahr

3) Any other conditions you may want to add.

1) You need to mutually agree in clear terms how long the initial Mutah contract will last. This needs to be clear and should not be obscure - because as soon as the time runs out you are no longer halal for each other unless you renew the Mutah and repeat this procedure again.

2) You need to mutually agree on a Mahr. Mahr is the gift that the man gives to his wife as part of the contract. It can be anything, and it is better if it is not extravagant in its value. Some hadith report that some of the Companions of the Prophet would enter into Mutah with a handful of dates or wheat as the Mahr.

3) You can agree to other conditions if you two so wish. It is not obligatory to do this, however, once you do agree to any conditions at this point it becomes obligatory for you to abide by them once you are in the Mutah marriage.Recite The Seegha (Arabic Formula of Words) To Commence The MutahYou are now ready to recite the Arabic formula of words, which, once completed, means that you two are now halal for each other in the eyes of God and the Law of Islam.

Please note that this procedure can be done by the two persons wanting to enter the Mutah marriage themselves. There is no need for a Wakeel (someone who recites the seegha on your behalf) nor the need for witnesses. However you can opt for a Wakeel and you can also opt for witnesses if you so wish. If you like, you could even put this procedure into writing with both your signatures. These are options if you feel you would prefer it that way - however not necessary for your Mutah to be valid.The seegha is quite short but must be recited in Arabic. Below you will find the Arabic formula written in English transliteration, along with its meaning. There is also a link to an audio file with the vows for the Mutah marriage recited in Arabic. It has been recited slowly with gaps, so you can repeat after it (if you want to).

Otherwise you can just use the text below.(.wav file) The Vows For The Mutah Marriage

First the lady says:Zawajtuka nafsi fil muddatil ma'loomati 'alal mahril ma'loom.Translation:

"I married myself to you for the known period and the agreed upon dowry.

"Then man replies:Qabiltu.Translation: "I accepted."*

Congratulations! That's it! You are now halal for each other for the time period that you agreed!Best wishes,The Mutah*(The above seegha can be found in Ayatullah Khomeini's resalah.)


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM


    1 – In 2001, he didn’t attack Islamism as the real enemy in 11 of September. Nothing did for stop the islamfascists of ACLU and CAIR destroy christianism and force the students to swallow the Islamic shit in the classrooms. And still permits islamonazists publications which prepare the war against the population disseminated by the Saudi Arabia in libraries of mosques, streets and bookstores for American muslims, preaching the destruction of America with anti-American antichristian, anti-Jewish, misogynistic, jihadist and supremacist ideology. Obvious: Bush family has oil business with the Saudi real family. Can we trust in a leader sharing interests with the enemy?

    2 – In 2002, he didn’t denounce the responsibility of the government Clinton for CIA errors that enabled the 11 of September. The investigator of the Department of Defense that was following a trail that would have avoided the attack, the lieutenant-colonel Tony Shaffer, simply was prevented from pass the information to the FBI, that like this could not dismantle the Al-Qaeda cell. It stopped why? Because former president Clinton centralized the straight control of all the organs of security and blocked deliberately the communications among them. CIA, FBI and other agencies then were driving parallel inquiries about the illegal funds of given campaign to the candidate Clinton by the Chinese army one and the subsequent favors that the very grateful president lent to the service of Chinese espionage. Without exchange of information, the investigators did not be able to join the threads of the story line.

    3 – In 2003, he did not announce that the weapons of destruction in batter of Saddam Hussein were found. They are more of 500 – enough for kill for poisoning the inhabitants of some twenty American cities. Republican senator Rick Santorum, using of the privileges of the Freedom of Information Act, obtained from the military secret service the complete relation. Reporter Richard Miniter already to have revealed the existence of those weapons, in its book "Disinformation: 22 Average Myths that Undermine the War on Terror". The strange point in the episode is that senator Santorum has had of pull out by force an information that Bush government should be screaming in all the media.

    4 – In 2004, he did not condemn UNO by the scandal of corruption in the Oil by Food Program, involving Saddam Hussein and Koffi Annan and his son Kojo, and the governments of countries as France, Russia, Germany, China... Beyond others crimes of the UNO, that became the worst enemy of the U.S.A. by the simple fact that it shelters or protects all the anti-American and terrorist dictatorships in her Commissions.

    5 – In 2005, he did not defend himself neither attacked the Democrats responsible by the calamity of the hurricane Katrina: the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, and the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.

    6 – AND in 2006, was discovered that he, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) signed an agreement for dissolve the borders between the U.S.A., Canada and the Mexico, practically eliminating the American nation as an independent political unit. The idea already was old, but then a citizen appealed to the Freedom of Information Act, obliging the government it divulge the documents about the matter. Then already there was conservatives calling Bush openly of "treacherous". The report can be read in the site

  2. All you have texted I agree with 100%. President Bush has money and ties with Saudi oil. That's a fact. I don't know where the so called "Conservatives" get so angry when I as a Conservative point this out. They go rabid. I get called a troll, a traitor. I'm just pointing out facts, no matter how the bitter pill of truth tastes. Some Conservatives berate me because I don't agree with some of the Presidents policies. It boggles my mind. I voted for President Bush, and for the most part, glad I did. But the flaws in some his policies must be pointed out and discussed with honesty. Truth is never hate. I don't hate the President, I believe he has good intentions, but the road too hell is paved with good intentions. Awesome post, thanks for this.

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Ernesto, none of those things are sins, and number 6 is an out and out lie. In addition, none of your drivel has anything to do with the original post.
