Friday, January 19, 2007

Is Democracy the Answer to Islam?


President Bush has told us that the "War Against Terror" will be a long war. His strategy is one part military, one part democracy. The question the Bush Administration has not answered is how will democracy tame a traditional, historic Islam which seeks to dominate the world?

Make no mistake about it: President Bush is right but mostly wrong.

The Democrats to a man are wholly wrong. In his recent speeches and public appearances leading up to the five-year anniversary of 9-11, and especially his speech at the White House to the “9-11 families” where he discussed the terrorists held in CIA “black holes”, their transfer to Guantanamo, and the need to set up legislative ways to try these terrorists without the Supreme Court acting as the ultimate arbiter of our military strategy, the President sought not only to assure us that during these past five years great battles have been won, but also to caution us that the war is far from over.

On these counts, President Bush is mostly correct. He was right to go after the Taliban in Afghanistan and also Saddam’s regime in Iraq. The problem in both countries we face today will be the problem we will face in Pakistan and Egypt next. Iran is a different kind of problem. We will return to these in a moment. The President is also quite right to keep open his options to interrogate and even torture these terrorists in secret CIA prisons, which are outside the absurd and gross over-reaching of the Supreme Court.

But the President wants us to accept a war plan that does not contemplate military victory. Instead, it is a war plan that is predicated upon an ideological taming of the Islamic shrew.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM


    My anti-Islam blogs INFERNO = ISLAM and DYSTOPIA finished being HACKED.

    It looks like a hacker on service to the Islamics erased anti-Islam sites.

    They put out also the site JahMusic, which was linked to my 2 deleted anti-Islam blogs.

    Also hacked my third blog with my photos.

    At same day, the periodic site Mídia Sem Máscara ( Media Without Mask) was blocked 2 times.

    The right-wing newspaper, which supports the War on Terror, is mine main information source for the files, with endless number articles attacking the islamism.

    They already have my name and my face.

    To any moment, I can appear dead.

    Or then, sooner or later, I’m going to disappear.

  2. Ernesto,

    I don't know where you live, but if you are able to purchase a gun legally, do it. You must protect yourself from "the religion of peace". I live in America so the legal purchase of firearms is not a problem. Be vigilant, watch your back and protect yourself and your property. Your in my Prayers.
