Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I live in the United Stated, my Mother is From England. Both Countries hold a very special place in my heart. I also realize that Great Britain will be a stepping stone for Muslim terrorists to be even closer to the USA to spread the disease of hatred. From bfbwwiii.blogspot I bring you the insanity of what's happening in the U.K.

Last year I had an encounter with a group of Muslim (Somali) youths who threatened to burn down my mothers house in Streatham, South London. I reported the incident to Streatham Police who did absolutely nothing about it. One of the recommendations in the McPherson Report into the Steeeeephen 'bloody' Lawrence inquiry states that all racist incidents should be recorded by the police even if they are not criminal offences, so I registered a complaint to the IPCC who ruled in my favour and I recieved a verbal and a written apology from Inspector Egan of Streatham Police.

During my encounter with the boys in blue two officers told me that crime among the Somali community was getting out of hand and that they (Streatham Police) were expecting riots very soon.

So I was not surprised to come across this Story:This country could be on the brink of the most serious race riots in our history unless those who live in it douse the firebrands who would inflame them.

Non-Muslims are deeply suspicious of Islam after the atrocities of 7/7 and 9/11. So much so that Islamaphobia is in danger of becoming the last acceptable form of racism left.Britain on brink of race-hate riots .

PS: Would someone kindly inform the media that Islam is not a race, it's a religion. In fact it's a form of Satanism!


This Yank stands with the "REAL" People of Britian.

Jeff Davis

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