Friday, January 12, 2007


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Once again, secularists taunt Christians. For what reason? The devil made them do it, obviously.

According to Daily Mail, Samantha Devine, 13, was told to remove her cross chain necklace. Why? “It breached health safety rules,” according to her father. School rules.

What else?

The teen-ager is a student at The Robert Napier School in Gillingham, Kent. It is not a religious-based institution.

Danny Devine, father, informed media that “’it’s just political correctness gone absolutely mad. It’s a harmless crucifix and she wears it as a symbol of her religion. I’m sure the school would not dare ask anyone of another religion to remove a symbol representing their faiths or beliefs. This has upset the entire family.’

Time for legal counsel. In America when such religious discrimination is brought against Christians, they have a variety of legal firms ready to go into action. One is Liberty Counsel, known for its aggressive response to secularists out to undermine free religious expression.

“Mr. Devine also claimed other, non-Christian, pupils were permitted to wear religious garments and symbols.”
All of this reminds those aware of worldwide prejudice against Christians of the injustice leveled against British Airways employee Nadie Eweida. She was told to remove the cross from her clothing or be fired.
She has taken the matter to media and court.

“BA bans the wearing of jewelry, but has since announced it is to review its uniform policy to allow symbols of faith to be worn openly.”
At the same time, Daily Mail reports that advocates for Muslims say that they should be permitted greater access to prayer rooms in hospitals. Further, they should be entitled to freer health care, especially for circumcising newborns.

“Muslims should be provided with faithbased services - including male circumcision - on the NHS, says one healthcare expert.
“Professor Aziz Sheikh is also calling for women patients to see same-sex medics, better access to prayer facilities in hospitals and more information so Muslims can avoid pig-derived drugs.
“Writing in the British Medical Journal, the University of Edinburgh professor also claims Muslims should be given health advice on attempting the Hajj pilgrimage-to Mecca which he insisted was a ‘religious obligation and not a holiday.’”

Is all this ridiculous or what?


No Pastor it's absolutley INSANE.

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