Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday, September 11th, 2006.

The dull constant pain of 5 years ago has become a stabbing pain in my heart today. I don't know if many people realize what we are up against in this war, or what must be done to win. All I know is that this person jumping from this building and thousands of others would be alive today, simply if we stop being politically correct, and stop being afraid of world opinion and the opinions of people that don't care about us.

The enemies of America or not thousands of miles away, they are in America. They will use our laws, against us.

They will be voted into Government positions.

They will erode our way of life away, and at some point in time ask for an Islamic state of their own.

If you think it won't happen here, YOUR WRONG.

They have a precise plan.


Jeff Davis


  1. learn from the UK on that point America,we are deep in the shit because of political correctness and bowing down to the muslim minority and their alien ways and ideals,kick them out,they do not believe in democracy,they have no loyalty to their country of residence only to their holy book and their religion,they are the enemy within and will not rest and be happy until the western world is turned into caliphates.

  2. Shieldwall, with great regret I agree with your take on the UK. It sickens me what they are doing in your land. And for what they will do in the future. I hope and pray the UK never has a 9/11 style attack, but to be honest, it's just a matter of time. Best of wishes to the UK , from across the big pond M8.

    (Even though you guys drive on the bloody wrong side of the street. ) ;) ;)

    Jeff Davis

  3. Thank you Jeff,and best wishes to you my friend,you are doing a grand job,by the way we drive on the CORRECT side you rebel.I think you may be right about another atrocity unfortunately,take care cousin.
