Monday, July 31, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

The Qana village building collapsed at 8 AM.

The attack on the building was around midnight.

What gives?

Hezbollah explosives in the structure exploded, causing the collapse. Sixty in the building were killed by the collapse.
Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters, provided detail for journalists at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

It just might have been that Hezbollah allowed its own Muslims to be crushed in the collapse in order to press the world to rise up against Israel for a cease-fire. Islam allows Muslims to kill Muslims in order to see through Islamic world rule.
In the meantime, why all the wailing about Muslim children being killed in this conflict?

I don’t know why all the anguish over caring for the Muslim boys and girls being killed in the present war. Muslims don’t care about the boys and girls.

They have schools where they teach neurotic lessons to their own offspring. There instructors teach them in play acting how to behead an infidel.

They have telecasts for children running constantly in the Middle East Arab geographies whereby children viewers are taught to hate the "Jew-pigs," the latter term coined by Muslims who teach their own that Jews are descended from monkeys and pigs.

They have suicide belts tied to their daughters and sons.

They have rifles pushed into their children hands before they can play with tinker toys and blocks.

They take their little girls to circumcise them — genital mutilation. Muslim mothers hold down the screaming daughter while the father takes a razor blade or scissors to cut away part of the girl’s private parts.

They take their children to witness lashings of teens in the town square.

They walk their boys and girls to the crane where a teen girl’s head is laced in a noose for hanging. Then they stand there with their children, seeing the girl’s legs and feet kick violently till all life is gone from her body. All week long they take their children to see humans hung from poles alongside the roads.

They direct their own children to the pit where a woman has been placed with dirt up to her breasts. Then they hand stones to their boys and girls to help in crushing in her head. The stones are the sizes prescribed by the Koran — not too large so as to kill quickly and not too small so as to take forever to murder the woman.

So why should the United Nations weep over Arab children being killed in the present conflict?

Why should the free nation leaders call for a breather in the conflict so that families with children can escape being killed?
Far better to be killed by a bomb at an early age in Islam than live to be psychologically deranged as the adult killers are in Iraq and Afghanistan. The

Hezbollah is composed of such neurotic children-grown-to-adult age.
So let the war work its way through. Blood is blood to Muslims.
They live for blood, from earlier childhood. The Muslim adults should be proud to have their children killed in the war for they consider such a religious sacrifice to Allah; it is a pious act.

One Muslim mother sacrificed three of her adult sons to Allah as suicide bombers. She then kissed three more grown sons in front of a crowd, stating she was willing that they be suicide cases, too. She would then be a proud Muslim mother who had six adult sons snuffed out by their own choosing as sacrifices to Allah.

I just don’t get why civil citizens of the planet worry about the Muslim children being killed.

The Muslim adults surely don’t care.

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

ALLAH: "Fight, slay Unbelievers wherever ye find them.Seize them, beleaguer them, lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war."
Qur'an, Sura 9:5

CHRIST: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

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