Wednesday, April 26, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Muslim gangs stoned "sexy" German females because they were "dressed like bitches," according to RTL Radio per

The report was given this title: Sharia in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The young ladies were in Seine-Saint-Denis as exchange students. Sadly, they were not acknowledged for their academic excellence. They were stoned for dressing "a bit too sexy."

If they had veiled themselves and shrouded themselves from head to toe, they would have been acceptable to the esteemed Muslim male morality.

Note the Islamic hypocrisy:

* Muslim males can have several wives whom they cane, beat, swear at, and finally murder if they consider their wives having defamed the clan in any way — imaginable or otherwise.

* Muslim males may also have "ten minute marriages" by which they have sex with a woman and then divorce her within ten minutes; that means that the male remains sexually pure by not having sex with a prostitute.

* Muslim males also have "temporary marriages" by which they have women ready for sex, the females living with their parents but receiving no financial support from the sex masters.

Now where is the sexual morality in all this? And the German girls were offensive to the holy Muslim males? So the gang Allah-worshipers picked up rocks to throw at the German women on an academic jaunt to France.

Muslim males win. Allah wins. Mohammed wins. The Koran wins. The devil wins. We have met the devil and he is Muslim, obviously.

According to the media report, the young women were dressed "in a shocking way, and especially in wearing skirts." That stirred up the ire of the righteous Muslim males.

Now did the German girls get any defense from any Muslim females in the area? Not on your life. Remember: Muslim male dominance is sacred. Further, no Muslim criticizes another Islamic’s act or statement, hence the worldwide Muslim silence in the face of daily Muslim atrocities.

Female Muslims in that section of the city said, "This is our neighborhood. We don’t want them to come in our neighborhood dressed like bitches."

Note: the females called the German young ladies "bitches." Inter-gender gap maybe? Or is it just plain Allah-hell set loose once again on God’s good Earth.