Wednesday, April 26, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

She defended Christ’s cross that Muslims pictured atop a garbage heap. For that, she’s in a solitary confinement cell in Pakistan.

Nassem was attacked by Muslims, beaten, and stripped naked in public before being thrown into a jail cell.

Muslims had created a mob scene protesting Mohammed’s caricature published in various non-Muslim publications in other countries. Islamics were screaming hate speech against President Bush and Christianity.

Then there appeared a drawing of Christ’s cross lopped atop a garbage pile.

With that, Nassem rushed forth, arguing with those holding the anti-Christ poster. She claimed the cross was being desecrated. She also spoke against the protesters’ hate speech against Christianity.

Then the Muslim mob surged forth. She was grabbed, pounded and her clothing was torn from her body, according to the Pakistan Christian POST (PCP).

Representatives of a Christian agency have asked jail officials for a visit with the captive; but they have been denied visitation rights. Her husband, Gulzar Masih, is left without a wife. For how long, no one knows. Nassem’s crime? Blasphemy.

In the meantime, two Christian women in Nigeria have disappeared.

They had been attacked by seven Muslims, females, at Ahmadu Bello University in Kaduna state. The two were preparing for a bath in a women’s residence. All of a sudden, Muslim women lunged at them. The Islamics had just returned from a nearby mosque.

The Christians were so beaten that they were left unconscious. Somehow they ended up at the university health clinic for treatment. They were registered simply as Joy and Priscilla. However, since the campus facilities closed for a break soon after the Christians were admitted, they have mysteriously disappeared and have not been found since.

A spokesman for the university’s Joint Chapel Council informed press that Christians are regularly harassed by Muslims. It is not unusual at all. “Muslim students under the auspices of the Muslim Students’ Society have been terrorizing Christians in the university without provocation,” according to Compass Direct via

Family News in Focus reports that throughout the Middle East it is very dangerous for Christians. Religious freedom is sorely lacking. Afghan Abdul Rahman’s case highlights the hatred Muslims have toward Islamics becoming Christians. Any converts are to be beheaded, that is, in line with the Muslim-revered Koran and teachings of Mohammed.

“Paul Marshall with the Center for Religious Freedom says the fate of thousands of other Christian converts in Islamic countries hangs in the balance, due to ‘laws mandating the death for apostates in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Mauritania, the Comoros Islands.’”

Wherever the sharia is instituted — that Koran-based “legal and justice system” — there is no tolerance for non-Muslims. Sharia demands Islam world rule. Wherever Muslims move around the world, their aim is to institute the sharia, especially in such democracies as America.

If the sharia cannot be instituted publicly at the present time, it is believed that its precepts are followed behind Muslim closed doors. That could account for the increase of mistreatment of Muslim women reported in the United States. Of course, much of such abuse goes unreported.

Here is an example of the Islamic "law and justice" acted out within a Muslim family: They drugged her. Then they choked her. She still showed life. They choked her till dead. She was thrown into a ditch.

One of the brothers is a pediatrician at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, according to CAGE (Coalition Against Global Extremism) / News.

Now the men are pious before Allah for they committed no crime. They were true to their faith. They acted out an "honor killing" necessary to cleanse what their sister had done. Now they can stand before Islam’s deity as cleansed and commendable.

"Two of the brothers confessed to the murder, and one of the brothers re-enacted the incident in front of police."

Re-enactment usually means applause from community Muslim males. In other words, it’s an opportunity for braggadocio. Also, in numerous cases, reporting to the police means finally nothing. Police usually side in with the killer males. So do neighboring males. Even females in the area will support the killers, sometimes reporting on them. The press usually gives such murders scant if any attention.

These murders go on worldwide daily. It is all part of the killing cult, Islam. Males dominate. Females are worth less than dung.

The brothers reside in Lod. They were indicted Tuesday for killing the younger sister, 20. The "crime" she committed has not yet been reported to the press.

If it is a sharia court which decides their fate, the brothers will be lifted up as examples of true family loyalty. Sharia use the Koran for settling legal disputes. It is this "justice system" that Muslims seek to put in place wherever they move around the globe.

Therefore, it is predictable what the 7000 Russian Muslims now settled outside Philadelphia will institute for their "legal system" within their own conclave. US Congress and President Bush invited them to reside in the US, giving them citizenship, housing, furniture and pensions without question. Now we have the potential in America for the demonic insanity to sprout full-blown as a weed patch unmanageable.

(Note: when such real life, real time actual crimes as "honor killings" take place, they are usually reported in the global Muslim population as "accidents," hence no research project finally has the actual statistic regarding such abuse.)

If these males are loyal Allah-devotees, it cannot change. Deity has spoken and geography makes no difference. Females must be put in their place and that may mean murdering them for disgracing the family — either an imagined disgrace or some "misdeed" reported by a clan male.

"Misdeeds" can be defined as flirting with a non-Muslim, communicating with a non-Muslim, etc. Question: How can anyone discover a head-to-foot veiled Muslim female flirting with anybody?

The reason the world knows about this is because its original source is the Jerusalem Post at

It appears now that President Bush understands Islam not as a “religion of peace” but one of “death and destruction,” words he used in his last press conference. That may account for an increase of surveillance of Muslim conclaves throughout America.

“Many Islamic countries take the position that Islamic law, which forbids conversion, trumps any other law or treaty. Jared Leland with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty would like to see those countries recognize what are inherent human rights. ‘The freedom of thought, conscience in religion, the freedom to have or adopt any faith of one’s choosing are fundamental, but also inalienable rights; they are not to be given and taken at the will of the government.’”

However, appeals from non-Muslims don’t go any further than the non-Muslims’ mouths. Muslims don’t honor dialogue. Muslims demand. They don’t integrate. They mutilate. Allah has spoken. That is final.

This is most evident in the Iranian president declaring that there is no need for any non-Muslim appeals regarding Iranian nuclear build up for Muslims have made their decision. It’s in cement. Allah has spoken. That is final.

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

ALLAH: “Fight, slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them. Seize them, beleaguer them, lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.” Qur’an, Sura 9:5

CHRIST: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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