Tuesday, March 07, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

So what’s the benefit of having AIDS? Sign up as a suicide bomber. You’ll get in.
Muslim murderers global are now taking names for suicide bomber squads who have AIDS. The Islamic fanatics have refined their murder craft now to include death by AIDS splash.

So, according to Rupert Hamer, Defense Corespondent, SundayMirror.co.uk, Al-Qaeda has a new recruiting station mode. Suicide bombers with AIDS virus kill themselves with their blood splashing through the air, striking victims and penetrating their skin to infect them with the deadly disease.

What an imaginative technique in murder dimension. Only the Islamic killers international could spend their sleeper cell conclaves to come up with such a demonic act as that.

Entire article here

J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Web: http://www.truthinconviction.us/weblog.php
Email: joseph_swank@yahoo.com

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