Thursday, March 02, 2006


There is no doubt about it. He is innocent of all so-called "crimes."

That’s why when he continued to shout in court that he is innocent, he was totally sincere. He is one of the biggest liars who has ever breathed. But when he cried out: "So where is the crime?" after one crime after another was tabulated for the world to know, he persisted.

He is innocent.

And indeed the Iraqi court might find him so. If not, there are plenty of Iraqis who might find him so. That is reality and it is a reality check that Westerners just don’t want to happen. But as we have discovered in Iraq, there are a lot of dark surprises. And many more yet to unfold.

Saddam Hussein told the court that he ordered this and that, some being executing Shiites—many, many. Further, he took their farmland. He took it and called it Not Theirs Any Longer.
"Where is the crime?" he asked after providing further detail. He was laden with specifics and recited them without blushing.

It makes sense to him and should make sense to other Muslim national leaders as well as the common man and woman in the Muslim environs.

The Muslims have sharia. It is a "legal and justice" system from hell. A crime is not a crime. An execution is not a killing. A hanging is not a murder. A bashing in of a woman’s head is not abhorrent. The slicing a bullet into a teen-age boy’s body is justified.
All these atrocious acts are not criminal. They are acts of piety.

Entire article here

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

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