Saturday, March 04, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

The Bible relates that Christ is the One who lights every soul who comes into the world. That light is conscience. That conscience is the divine gift that informs us of right and wrong, a mechanism the lower animals do not have for they will have no judgment day.

That light is lit when the person is conceived in the mother’s womb.
It is a shame that when children grow into adults, some snuff out the light of conscience. In that they kill the sense of right and wrong. Often they call "right" "wrong" and "wrong" "right."

Such is the case with those who slay the unborn children. They have no conscience light lit to warn that such is murder. The Lord is saddened that one of his mortals breathed with life at conception should grow up to be a creature insensitive to the conscience so as to slay those unborn boys and girls.

Those who know the Lord are likewise sad; they shudder with agony to realize that every day countless children are scraped, scalded, ripped apart because of the "convenience" of the female. It is unthinkable particularly that a woman—known as "mother"—could be so callused as to kill her own child within. How could such heinous acts take place?

Yet it does.

Entire article here

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

My thoughts on this issue.
* Please Liberals spare me the emails on this, abortion is murder, bottom line, end of statement.If you find it acceptable to chop up a BABY, not a fetus, and toss it into a trash can as "acceptable behaviour", it is not I that have the problem, it is YOU. And remember, your mother was pro life.

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