Saturday, February 18, 2006


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

How can this stupidity continue among name people in the free world? Yet it does. The latest is former US President Bill Clinton.

He was visiting Islamabad, according to AP’s Riaz Khan, Pakistan. While there clamorous protests regarding Mohammed cartoons surfaced over and over again.
Muslims now have offered a bounty of one million dollars for slaughtering the cartoonist who drew Mohammed with a bomb-turban. All sorts of meetings have been held regarding the bounty. The Muslim public wildly cheered the bounty as if it were the offer of the planet.

In the midst of all this, Clinton criticized the cartoon. Then he said that Muslims could have had a chance at tying closer knots with free countries if they had only acted differently than protesting. Along with that counsel, he said that in the United States and throughout Europe Islam is not discounted.
Instead, Clinton said "most people in the United States deeply respect Islam. . .and most people in Europe do."

Again: Clinton said "most people in the United States deeply respect Islam. . .and most people in Europe do."

Pray tell, from what poll did Clinton get his figures?

Entire article here

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Pray tell, from what poll did Clinton get his figures?

    same place he got the idea that oral wasn't really sex and asking how to define, "is."

  2. LOL! JD well texted !! Thanks for stopping by. :)


  3. I don't deeply respect anything but Christianity because that is my belief. Those of other faiths, I respect their right to have another faith but respect them as a person, not based on the religion of someone.

    Once you cross the line of being not a faith but a reason to burn things, then I have no respect. Any possible respect is replaced with a "true respect to bomb the Mohammad out of you."

  4. From all the evidence we have seen around the planet from Islam, It can't be reformed, it can't change, and where ever Islam goes the so called "Radical" ( I call them good Muslims) follow. Islam should go the way of Hitler and the Nazi's. They are the same ideology. I will never back down from that statement, because it is truth, and not hate. And MD, I feel the same as you, Those of other faiths, I respect their right to have another faith but respect them as a person, not based on the religion of someone.Once you cross the line of being not a faith but a reason to burn things, then I have no respect. HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!!
