Monday, February 27, 2006

Black Converts To Islam Are a JOKE To The Arab Moslems

If you are one of the many Blacks who have gone to prison and there converted to ISLAM, this article is for you.

If you want to learn about the CRUEL TRICK that Arab Moslems are playing on BLACKS EVERYWHERE, this article is for you.

If you think that ISLAM is a faith of love and brotherhood, you are WRONG, because nothing is further from the truth, and this article is for you.

One of my family is an Arab Moslem, so I know what I am talking about.
There are four main reasons that support my contention of why BLACKS are a

JOKE to the Arab Moslem population:

1: To the Moslems, darkness is evil.

2: How Black skin came about.

3: What BLACK means in Arabic

4: “If only she was lighter…”

Entire article here


  1. But the blacks are useful idiots for the Muslims. Pretty easy to manipulate and control.

  2. Like pawns on a chessboard, agreed. Thanks for the input.


  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    what the hell! muslims are racist to black people? since when? one of the first converts to islam was black!he is one of the most well respected figures in islam, see the hajj pilgramij and you will see people of all colours standing side by side praying, so it doesn't matter if they are white, black or asian they are equal! by the way one thing i've always respected about black people is that they have always fought for their rights, do you really think that black people will convert to a religion which shows them as inferior?

  4. Anonymous6:40 AM

    arabs are black. like in sudan, eritrea, somalia....

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Arabs are not just black. The blackness came from a mixture of the people the Hamitic and Shemite people of Arabia and Africa. Muhammad the Arab who invented Islam had a white penis and therefore was white. Hadith 2. North Africa and Arabia are Caucasians people as Caucasians are all colors, like Negroid people are blonde hair and blue eyed to deep black. Even Asians are all colors. Arabs are semitic, not Hamitic. Sudan is Arabic for land of the blacks and the first Sudanese are blue black and have sort raisin hair and pug noses like muhammad said. Muhammad said Allah made Africans black to be slaves to whites in Tabari 11. Anon read. Pride is in being HUMAN or colored man.
